13 Results

Why Most Planets Will Either Be Lush or Dead

The Gaia hypothesis implies that once alien life takes hold, it will flourish.

The Last of the Earthquake Predictors

A handful of underfunded researchers still believe science can defy the odds.

In Search of Life’s Smoking Gun

A journey to the underwater volcanoes where life may have erupted.

The Last Drop of Water in Broken Hill

In the Australian outback, the future of drought has come early.

The Sinkhole Hunters

In sprawling Florida, one group of geologists is never short on business.

Los Angeles Should Be Buried

A day in the war between the city and its mountains.

In Search of Life’s Smoking Gun

A journey to the underwater volcanoes where life may have erupted.

Why Aliens and Volcanoes Go Together

Life on other planets may rely on plate tectonics.